About Alex

At a young age I was drawn to movement and fitness as an outlet to express the wide range of emotions any typical young adolescent would feel. As I got older I realized I became passionate about movement, athletics, more specifically. The amount of attention that was required to perform at my best and execute my role so it could be done well was an adrenaline high and I was hooked!

Movement taught me discipline, commitment, leadership skills, and boosted my confidence. I was the first to get to practice and the last to leave the field ( or court or weight room depending on the season). I was not the best at really anything but my commitment to get better overtime prevailed the talent over others.

Time on any task over time eventually beats talent every time. This systematic way of thinking over the years has developed into a lifestyle, on and off the court I believe everyday if we work towards our purpose and get a little better everyday we can become the best version of ourselves!

As your coach, together we create, envision, and execute your game plan for success. Everyone is an athlete. Some of us are professional athletes, others are desk jockeys, and others are in pursuit of a healthier health conscious life. We are playing the same game, the game of life and seeking for longevity in the game as we pursue to be better than whom we were yesterday.

Together we will accomplish this mission!

Alex Cervantes

Be A Better You