Ok, simply put – I was in a rut.
I had been exercising regularly, doing the same routine for years without making any significant progress. My weight lingered around 260 pounds. I felt like I was running in place, going nowhere. I remember telling family that if I could change one thing in my life, I would not be FAT. Being overweight had been a life-long BURDEN of mine.
Like many others, I did not think I needed any help, but inside I knew a change was needed. I thought that working with a trainer could provide structure and accountability, and I was also interested in learning new exercises and techniques because I had been doing the same “comfortable” routine for years. In May 2019, I started working out with Alex. We set initial goals and started out slowly towards achieving them. Right away I was pleased with Alex’s training methods. It was made clear that we were a team and I was not going to be left alone to do the work. Alex has provided great communication, making it clear what the next step would be on the path to becoming a better me.
I had some very rough moments early on. I was struggling with personal problems and felt guilty that I was not going to be 100% ready in the gym. Alex always encouraged me to stay on course. She emphasized that it was not about my failures, but to focus more on my successes. She simply never looked down on me. She never spoke in a negative manner. This encouragement was key; it was something I very much needed to stay on track…and in hindsight now, I appreciate more than ever.
It is December 20, 2019 as I write this letter and I have lost 67 pounds to date. I have lost 53 pounds of fat mass, 10 inches off my waist, and 15.6% body fat, all in only 6 months. I am so happy with my new self. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and catch myself checking my stomach to make sure this is not a dream. It’s not! I was given the guidance I needed and have worked hard to become a healthier, better person. The compliments from friends, co-workers, and family are extremely rewarding. Alexandrea Cervantes has been in the middle of it all. Just a great trainer people! Need I say more?
This experience has changed my life. I have the confidence to move forward with a successful formula. I am not afraid, but sure that I will keep improving and stay the course.
If you can relate to this story, just know that it can be done, and Alex is the person that can help you get there.
Al Castaneda

My weight has been a constant struggle for me. I’ve tried fad diets, short term doctor assisted weight loss, shakes, programs like Jenny Craig – which in my opinion are all quick fixes for immediate results – through all of it my weight would still roller coaster. I imagine that my journey with fitness will be a lifelong one and in keeping that mind, it was important for me to find something sustainable.
I joined the gym at the end of Feb 2017 with the goal in mind that I would “just go.” Just go to the gym even if you don’t want to; don’t ask yourself if you want to go, just go. I figured that showing up was going to be the hardest part – creating a new routine always is. In keeping this first goal in mind, I found that I needed to make changes to my lifestyle to achieve this – don’t schedule dinners or outings when you’ve already scheduled that appt with yourself at the gym, pack your bag the night before so you’re always prepared – what this did was give me less excuses to skip the gym. Once I got in a routine to go, I saw results on the scale within the first month. After the third month, I began to plateau; which doesn’t make it easy to continue down that road, but it’s important to keep going and getting in the gym the first day or week isn’t easy either. When I started branching out from the cardio machines and attempting to do other body weight exercises, I was given guidance by one of the trainers, unsolicited of course, but she was friendly and upbeat so I listened.
For a few months after that I started personal training with her 2 time a week with cardio on the days I didn’t see her. Those personal training days were hard. Tough. On occasion those days were more mentally challenging than physically because your mind says go, and your body says no. But she was there with her token “be a better you” for inspiration, and “how bad do you want it” to keep me pushing myself through those workouts. Even more results. I decided that I wanted to do more, so I joined the group class in the evenings; I thought her workouts were hard, but that class was murder. I kept going back because the people there were inspiring, the comradery was genuine, and with her the class was a team that wanted each other to succeed.
My trainer is Alex Cervantes. She’s the miracle I didn’t know was getting: always upbeat and truly passionate about what she does and helping others. She is genuinely interested in your success and is somehow just as invested in achieving your goals as you are. I would not be where I am today without her support and encouragement.
I’ve lost 25 pounds since joining 10 months ago. The weight loss is gradual, but consistent. More importantly the change I have made is one I can sustain for the long term. I’m looking forward to reaching a healthy weight along with making a strong body that can thrive for the next 50 years instead of just survive. Alex, thank you for taking this journey with me and helping me make my goals a reality.